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Quotes for Life

Monday, November 30, 2015

Essays Topics of Common Application 2015-2016

Promoting Student Access
Source : The Common Application

2015-2016 Essay Prompts

We are pleased to share the 2015-2016 Essay Prompts with you.

1.Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
2.The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
3.Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
4.Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
5.Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

The changes you see reflect the feedback and consensus of nearly 6000 individuals who responded to our recent survey. Among the survey highlights:
◾197 individual Member responses representing 110 Member institutions
◾5667 constituent responses (64% school counselors; 14% students; 11% independent educational consultants; 4% parents; 2% community based organizations; remainder = other)
◾82% of Members and 90% of constituents agree or strongly agree that the current prompts generate effective essays on the whole
◾62% of Members and 48% of constituents believe the “story/background” prompt is the most effective
◾76% of Members and 44% of constituents would like to see the “place where you’re content” prompt replaced
◾35% of Members and 30% of constituents feel that analytical ability and intellectual curiosity (as a combined percentage) are most the difficult attributes to convey through the current prompts
◾85% of Members and 82% of constituents feel the prompts should be left open to broad interpretation
◾3% of Member respondents suggested Topic of Your Choice as a new prompt
◾6% of constituent respondents suggested Topic of Your Choice as a new prompt, with the breakdown as follows: independent educational consultants (47%), community-based organizations (7%), school counselors (5%), parents (2%), other (2%), students (<1%)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Universe - Above & beyond - Part II - TIME & CAMERA

                 Universe Above  and beyond


nabin camera"Smile!! 😁 Click- Shutter up- Captured- Shutter down-Memory-uploaded-Facebook-1930 likes-438 comments - Captioned- Had a Good TIME. "

Whenever I play with my camera, I used to think in my mind :

Within a minute, we perform these much things; sharing our good time but we don't realize what great had we done. Yeah, we had a good time capturing the TIME. TIME is not in existence- but you captured !! -How??

As I said earlier , " There is no time . It is a null and bare canvas and blah blah blah...." .
The moments we captured in video isn't time , it is the task we performed in that bare canvas. Its all the distance and speed .

Speed is also abstract. Main thing is distance. You captured the length of your and surroundings, you captured the length of your smiling face and normal face. You captured the length between starting and ending of points or events. So, you didn't had a good time nor you ever would. Instead, you goodly spent the length between starting of your tour and ending of your tour.

If you had captured the time, then you couldn't have been able to watch and replay time on our mobile or camera. Because, as you always say "Time is dynamic and Time is dead". 

Hence, You had captured the length.

So, better improve your word choice for Caption next time. Have a good length. 😊

                                                                                                -Nabin Bhusal

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Universe - Above & beyond - Part I - TIME & BUS TRAVEL

Universe Above  and beyond


What is time?

Actually time has no its fixed definition. It has no existence. It is a ghost. It is the null and bare canvas.
Whenever I travel through the bus sitting in the window seat , I look through the window at the hastening trees & bushes, poles & peoples. I used to be so happy because I feel as I am doing time travel.
If I would have been sitting at my room for 1 hrs idle , time would have been still. My previous 15 mins would have been same as my next 15 mins.
But at the bus I am travelling in speed. Every seconds is new. My previous 1 second is different from next 1 second. 15 mins in bus is like quick as mercury but that in room is like 15 hrs. 
In every new 15 mins, I am travelling more time, I became older and older to every previous time but again newer and newer to every next seconds. That's why, it must have been said that if you travel with the Speed of light, you won't be old.
Life is length not the period. Past and present are the speed of time . Its all fiction and its  not in earthly existence. Its all abstract. 
In room, my present time would refer to whole 1 hr. But in bus, my present time refers to 1 millisecond which has no significant value and You become godly for  yourself ( you in room) because your 1 millisecond = 15 mins of his life . When you are 1 millisecond old, he will be 15 mins old. And when you will be 15 mins old, he would be in his late 50's (not calculated ) . 
At conclusion,
What I concluded is that time is Speed of distance. And life has directly relation with Time. More the speed , more the Life. Time is not present itself but it became alive when it comes in relation with distance.

Keep smiling and Self-exploring. ;) 

NOTE: These are my personal theories and hypothesis. I am working on it. Copyright Protected ©™



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Saturday, October 17, 2015


You, right now, may be anywhere and doing anything living your own life. But its more important to make your life special. Its very important to form your image. And its up to you, WHAT SORT OF IMAGE YOU CREATE.

 To build up your personality, you must recognize yourself. The major way of self recognizing is questioning. Now there may arise some ideas that blogger is trying to brainwash and persuading to be a journalist. Or be irritatingly inquisitive child who keep on questioning to his friends, relatives and every people passing by you to uplift your personality. But the task I’m talking about is within you and only you. The questions that I’m talking about is question with you by yourself. Self question helps you to feel you, recognize you and develops self-esteem within you. We often do Self questioning unknowingly,but let’s do it with full conscience.

Now let’s be a journalist for a while.

Just go inside your room, make yourself alone and ask yourself 
looking to the mirror;

Here are the questions for you;

# Who you want to be?
# What are your qualities?
# Is attitude good or bad?
# How do you observe things?
# How do you take your jealousy,
ego, conflict, proud? Are they making good results or bad?
# How can you reflect yourself?
# Have you ever done
confrontation? ( admitting your
own mistake in front of the one with whom you clashed.)
# Have you ever appreciated to your competitors?
# Are you hiding inside you?


Try to search answers too.

 This time you won’t be alone instead your determination and self confidence will create never ending bond with you. I hope you feel better now. Better end up all your intra personal clashes so that you mustn't face interpersonal clashes. If you are in despair or any confusion share your problems with intimate friend, with parents, and compulsorily with you. I mean mirror-talk solves almost half problem. Give time to yourself at least 10 minutes . More than that may make your image as depressed one.

Keep smiling, Self believing and boosting your confidence. ;) 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nepal Through My Lens:Nepal is Safe to Visit.

Nepal is a small and beautiful country with lots of sightseeing places. It is not sophisticated in infrastructures but nature has been very kind to it. Firstly, the major attraction of the Nepal is its Nature , Mountains, Lakes, Rafting and many adventurous sports like bungee jumping, parachuting and many more.

Flag byNabin
The flag of Nepal is unique. It is one and only flag without rectangular shape. Blue and Red with Moon and Sun.

Secondly, the crafts and culture of Nepal is so fascinating. The Handcrafts, Cultural monuments and historical landmarks;like many Durbar squares around Kathmandu Valley are very artistic to visit.  

Here are some photos, some glimpse of Patan Durbar Square captured through my lens.

Near krishna mandir
The pillar in front of Krishna Mandir and the pigeons over there and the one in flight.
The lions crafted beautifully at the doorways of the Patan Durbar Square.
Pillar that stood still after the devastating earthquake in Nepal.Loved it.
Nabin Bhusal
People around the Patan Durbar Square. Really, joyful time spent here.
Krishna Mandir was supported by these sticks to prevent further damage from earthquake.See more

Nabin Bhusal
The view of Jawalakhel chowk is lovely with blue sky.7 km far from Patan Durbar.

It was raining but the people love to be there.

Nabin Bhusal
The Patan Museum where you can see the historic and epic stuffs used by kings then. Come and Visit.

Hope, you are hurrying to buy  the tickets to get here.I hope you liked Patan Durbar Square , pictures and  photography . Sooner, I gonna show you more and explore more about Nepal and many more different Places here.
                                                                                                                                            See more