Keep Eye On

Quotes for Life

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I Am The Earthian!!

Since my childhood to adult, I grew up in my home. I always loved my home. Its shades, attics, alley and every memories bonded along with it is what I couldn't easily wipe out. My family members ; grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brothers, sisters are the soul of this home. I couldn't think my existence without home. 
This sweet home had been my inspiration, supporter, teacher and hope. I had never been far from my home till 15. I had to leave my home for the higher studies. And that time, my affection towards home became more bold and more clear. I then knew what it means to be a homeless. That very first night in new rental home was one of the most dreary sleep I ever had. I was pondering about the home and its aura. 
Right now, I am quite adapted but still I miss my home. This city where I came for my study process, has given a huge platform to build myself as a accomplished and poised man. This has facilitated me with lots of opportunities and exposures to my talents. I have been participating in different competitions, youth forums, exhibitions, workshops and training. These whole brain-nourishing phenomenon has changed my whole thought process. 
That child who used to revolve around the home is now no more. That same child who limited his existence within his village has turned into a global citizen. He still love the home but his definition of the home is changed now. He has now more family members. He loves his home; the Earth.
Earth, which provided us shelter to dwell, air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink, nature to live, is the home of every living beings. All the living beings has got right to enjoy the home. Among them, we humans have got responsibilities as well. Thinking globally, we are the brothers and sisters. We should be united together for the sake of humanity. We must feel this true bonding between us and be prepared to help each other globally. Human must help humans.
Asian should be united for helping Europeans, Africans should be together for assisting Americans
and vice-versa. This is the only way how we could preserve our familial bond. And only way to preserve our home: The Earth. 
So Every human should widen their thoughts and be a responsible global citizen. Their is no boundary, no country, no caste, no race, no gender but only human and the earth. Be prepared to save our home and our brotherhood. Say Yes to Humanity, Say no to Diversity. 

   Lets call it loud: " I Am The Earthian!!"


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